PSALM 27:4 says:
“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple”.
“One has to look at the direction a church is leaning to discern its future.” God’s people need a church where they will go and feel comfortable, experience the caring presence of God, and meet with people who are serious with their lives! Neema is such a church, with mature people that respect humanity as special creatures from God. The pastor, who has dealt with for some time now has been given a lot of Grace by God. The Rev. David Nzioka who helped found the Neema Community Church is a God fearing man. He respects people and encourages them to live a live worthy of their calling. That is why you need to connect with Neema and do something for God with God’s people here.
Unity, which is a critical element to our usefulness to Christ, has bound our church family together. Some of the people who started this Church as a small group of people talk about the faithfulness of God. They have faithfully lived to their calling, supported the ministry for these tears even when others discouraged them. God’s love has prevailed and this far we can boldly say that God is on our side.
The Church is called to be hospitable and to show the love of Christ to the rest of the world, just as Jesus did while on earth. We are such a church where members know their duty of service to God and mankind. We receive people and help them belong. Those with specific needs are addressed as the Lord helps. We cater for emergencies as God enables us to. Why not be a member of this focused church, to continue the good work the Lord has called us to?
The church is not a place to “see” and “be seen” but God’s house to come with concerns, doubts and broken hearts. Neema Community Church is a place to find honest answers to questions, to heal and mend.
If your heart longs for an authentic experience with God and to learn more about the love of Jesus Christ without all the artificial make ups about Christianity and how we are supposed to live the Christian way, then join us Sunday morning 10:30 A.M.